I spend way too much time and money on the internet so you don't have to.

Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I could possibly earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
Remember how I said I probably wouldn't release The Collective at all this week and this is now the second issue you've received within the last seven days? This is who I am as a person...my therapist and I are working on it.

I know I say it a lot but thanks for being here. It's been a fucktastic shitshow of a year and I'm grateful you've shared this outlet with me. For me, The Collective has given me a place to pour my creativity, anxiety, and restlessness. Plus, I've you've all been doing my emotional spending for me.

I was talking with an old friend this week about how 2020 really forced us to look inward and get comfortable (or uncomfortable) with ourselves. While my friend said 2020 had been positive for her and her growth, I found myself on the opposite side of the spectrum. Instinctually, I was very quick to shit all over this past year.

However, the more we talked, I realized that 2020 was a really good year for me...or at least a turning point. A turning point towards balance and boundaries, a turning point towards intention and advocacy, and an overall examination of myself and where I'm investing my time and energy.

On the surface, 2020 has been rough but I encourage you to take a second look for some of the eye-rolling silver linings - you might surprise yourself.

Okay, back to The Collective. I took a little stroll down memory lane and rounded up the best of the best - the best links, the best books, and my best buys.

Enjoy and I'll see you in 2021 for v20!

P.S. Last thing - I would love your help in growing my subscriber count. If you've enjoyed our year together, please forward this email to all your friends. All of them. Even your conspiracy theory aunt. I added a box just above this which allows them to subscribe directly. It would mean the world to me.
When does a model own her own image? *Haunting and worth the read if you didn't the first time.*

A simple way to know what to let in and out of your life. *As we roll into 2021, I might get this tattooed on my arm. I love Austin's style and this slapped me across the face.*

Take them, adapt them, and apply them to your life. *Printed a copy for my desk at home and a copy for my desk at work - if I ever see her again.*

Where was the president in the eight hours after the Sept. 11 attacks? The strange, harrowing journey of Air Force One, as told by the people who were onboard. *It's a LONG read but worth it.*
"It starts out on a modern-times submarine. Bill Paxton is snooping around on the ocean floor trying to find a big necklace to impress Britney Spears. His character is clearly James Cameron's idea of what a cool person is like—he does stuff like wear male earrings and say "sayonara" in a sarcastic voice. Awww, yeeeeah. Pretty cool. Bill Paxton finds this old safe in the ocean, expecting it to be full of Titanic jewelz, but instead it's just an old doodle of some boobs. Total rip-off! ...OR IS IT?

An old lady recognizes her boob-doodle on the news and goes to visit Bill Paxton on his rock and roll treasure boat, where they make her watch a graphic CGI reenactment of the Titanic sinking (I believe the working title is Hey Granny, Fuck Your PTSD). Then she tells her story. Which is hella not pertinent to treasure-hunting, unless by "treasure" you mean "three hours of nonsense, garbage, terror, death, and delightful Italian stereotypes."" *You CANNOT read this and not ugly snort laugh.*
"If we are close friends, you have been forced to take a copy of this book from me and I regret nothing, In this weird isolated time, this is a perfect book to make you feel some feels - not too fluffy, not too heavy. Damn near perfect. It's gone viral and Amazon snatched up the movie rights!"
"Listen, I know I am late to the party on this one BUT I need to convert any other stragglers. It is truth bomb after truth bomb and, dare I say, changing my life. "Blessed are those brave enough to make things awkward, for they wake us up and move us forward." If you won't take my word for it, you should know that Adele is equally obsessed."
"Proceed with caution - this Pulitzer Prize winner is hard to read but you can't put it down. The book chronicles the first five days in a New Orleans hospital after Hurricane Katrina made landfall. When the floodwaters rose, the power failed, and the heat climbed, exhausted caregivers were forced to make life-and-death decisions that haunted them for years to come. Apple just announced their adapting it into a limited series."
"Y'all, I have not been reading lately but I made myself cross this one off my list and I am so glad I did. I had previously devoured The Song of Achilles by Madeline but Circe has never been at the top of my list. Spoiler alert: it should have been. Both books are absolute must reads."
"“What do you want to be when you grow up?” asked the mole. "Kind,” said the boy. I picked this book up in Austin a few weeks ago and it's incredible. Dare I say read it weekly? Grab one for yourself and a few as gifts. Here's a little more info - I can't begin to describe it well enough to stress it's magic."
Everything up there...but as pictures.
It me. I'm Collin. Shockingly, I hate talking about myself but here are the CliffsNotes. 31, Texan turned cruise ship character turned Texan turned Chicagoan turned Texan. Event designer and planner. Interior designer and stylist. Corporate badass. Partner and double dog dad. Cursed with an aggressive gluten intolerance but also a passion for bread and no f*cks to give. Why a newsletter? It gives me a creative outlet with a deadline and my therapist says these things are important. Plus, I love to read, shop, share, and most importantly spend time on the internet. I don't sleep.