I spend way too much time and money on the internet so you don't have to.

Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I could possibly earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
Oh hey gang, it's been a minute. Unfortunately, I think I've hit the point where I can't realistically produce The Collective weekly and I am going to move towards the goal of a biweekly (and at times, a monthly) model. Honestly, it will keep it fresh and you'll be blessed with more intentional content in a beefier format. Plus, if I can get it out weekly, I will.
An interactive visual investigation detailing how decades of problems led to the collapse of a condominium tower in Surfside, Florida. A must click! Presented in clickable and visual pieces, this investigation is an incredible piece of journalism.
A plus-sized Jewish lady redneck died in El Paso on Saturday. Of itself hardly news, or good news if you're the type that subscribes to the notion that anybody not named you dying in El Paso, Texas is good news. In which case have I got news for you: the bawdy, fertile, redheaded matriarch of a sprawling Jewish-Mexican-Redneck American family has kicked it. Unfortunately, I didn't know Renay but after reading this INCREDIBLE obituary - I wish I had.
- Inside the Making of the Britney Spears Musical: After a year of seismic developments in the pop star’s real-life soap opera, a Broadway show set to her music - with a rise-up tale about a posse of princesses who become feminists - debuted in Washington.
- Skrt, Cheugy, and All the Other 'Gen Z' Slang You Might Need Help Decoding: Deadass? Their slang hits different, bestie. No cap.
- The Secret MVP of Sports? The Port-A-Potty: It's not the most glamorous side of sports, but most game days simply couldn't happen without portable toilets and the people who maintain them. ESPN looks at how the stalwart stalls have helped bring fans closer to the game.
- QAnon Con: An Internet mob wanted to rescue a 13-year-old girl. Instead, they terrified her, derailed real trafficking investigations, and incited ‘save the children’ violence.
- The Black Vanguard in White Utopias: Country music issues a promissory note to its white listeners. The promise is that no matter how much the world around them may be changing, a country radio station or concert will be a safe space for white sentimentality.
Move over Sudoku, because there's a new hit puzzle game sweeping the country. Wordle is an online game that gives players six attempts to correctly guess guess a five-letter word - all players are given the same word each day, no matter their location across the world.
Stuck on a call? Feign importance with repeating app sounds! Choose from Google Calendar, Slack, Teams, Outlook, iMessage, and countless others.

The greatest love story ever sold - starring Lily James, Sebastian Stan, and Seth Rogen. The cast and their likeness are WILD and this thing is gunning hard for award season - especially hair and makeup.
While on vacation, I started this book around 3p...and finished it by 4a. Did I grin like an idiot? Oh for sure. Did I cry? Not a full cry…more like a whimper. Did I think about ugly snot crying? 100%. It's a pitch perfect rom-com and I couldn’t get enough - especially as a wildly refreshing retreat from the current clusterfuck of *gestures vaguely*.

P.S. If you’re a fan of The Bachelor/The Bachelorette, I think you’ll LOVE this book even more than I did - which is saying a lot. Having only watched about forty-five collective minutes over the years, I think I’m now tempted to start?

Also, huge kudos to Charm Offensive for normalizing conversations around mental health as well as highlighting a refreshingly inclusive look at how we define (or choose not to define) our sexuality.
Bonus: 2021 Best Books Lists
If there was any doubt that Adele has entered a new era, her music video for “Oh My God” proves she’s changed for good. The superstar’s black-and-white, Sam Brown-directed clip for 30’s third single is unlike any visual she’s shared before.
Dramatically named but full of bops. A bop parade, if you will.
I am beyond obsessed with my new Pura diffuser. Seriously, if I could sign up for a pyramid scheme to sling these things - I would. I went from one to three in less than a month. Controlled via an app with the ability to set schedules and set the intensity of the scent, they offer scents from Anthropologie, Apotheke, Archipelago, Brooklyn Candle, Capri Blue, Francesca's, Homesick, Kenneth Cole, LAFCO, Nest, and countless others. Trust me on this one.
Listen, I love the Container Store as much as the next person but they are PROUD of their stuff. If you haven't caught on yet, Walmart is continuing to surprise in the best way possible.
Target and Walmart might have the same buyer and I'm not mad about it. An almost identical collection but there are some unique pieces!
It me. I'm Collin. Shockingly, I hate talking about myself but here are the CliffsNotes. 32, Texan turned cruise ship character turned Texan turned Chicagoan turned Texan. Event designer and planner. Interior designer and stylist. Spotify playlist-makin' fiend. Fiancé and double dog dad. Cursed with an aggressive gluten intolerance but also a passion for bread and no f*cks to give. Why a newsletter? It gives me a creative outlet with a deadline and my therapist says these things are important. Plus, I love to read, shop, share, and most importantly spend time on the internet. I don't sleep.